Monday, November 12, 2012

The Best Rejection I Ever Got

Well I never thought I'd be pleased to get rejected, but sure enough, when I got my latest rejection for Areb Dar yesterday, it was a happy occasion. Am I losing my sanity? Well, yes. Think about it. This story has been subject to no less than ten partial re-writes and countless small editing binges. If I hadn't sacrificed a few brain cells to it along the way it wouldn't have made progress, right? Or maybe I'm comparing it to some sort of literary Cthulhu-spawn (which might not be too far off the mark anyway).

But, as Byron said, I digress.

In summary, many thanks to Brit Mandelo at Strange Horizons magazine for taking the time out of a busy schedule to personally respond in detail when my story was rejected. Thanks to you and your fellow editors' feedback I have a very good idea of where my weaknesses are and I'm encouraged to try again with a different story in the future. :)

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